Sunday, November 26, 2006

Why Communism is inevitable

There are many who dismiss Communism as ultimately impractical on the grounds that it is against human nature. They claim that Communism asks humans to be altruists, which they cannot become. It tries to treat all humans as equals, while they are not. It exhorts humans to live a peaceful life through cooperation and sharing as against competition and constant struggle for survival, which they cannot do due to their animal instincts.

I say that it is due to the very human nature (the way I see it), that I am convinced there is no other option before humans. They have to take the path towards Communism or perish.

Let us try to analyze it. Pro-capitalists say that the reason Capitalism triumphed over its rival (which they claim was Socialism/Communism) was that, simply, Capitalism used the inherent human nature to compete rather than forcing them to work cooperatively for the common good. They say that Capitalism was content in recognizing humans as unequal rather than unrealistically trying to tie them together as equals. In short, Capitalism recognized that some people deserved to be rich and privileged and the rest deserved to be poor and destitute.

The way I see it is different. In my view, it is Capitalism that is trying to unrealistically work against human nature in the long run. Capitalism stands for individualism. It celebrates individual successes, individual talents. Capitalism really doesn't want people to unite and work, because it will spell trouble for them. There is a reason why I can say this with confidence. I experience it daily at my workplace. Of course, companies goes to great length lecturing to employees about the importance of team work. They conduct "training sessions" for employees to horn their team working skills. They need it simple because the business demands it. There has to be proper coordination among all the team members to get the work done. But they rarely encourage team members to develop a greater intimacy than this. For example, once my Manager asked me to meet him personally. He praised my efforts at work, informed me that the company desires for a long-term relationship with me. (He must have said the same thing to others as well..) He informed me that in recognition of my efforts, I was going to receive a performance incentive. Before I left his room, he gave me a personal advice, which I believe is the norm in the corporate world : "DO NOT discuss this with your team mates. This info is confidential... just between you and me". Later, when I enquired to my team mates about this, they informed me that they too received the same incentive and, more importantly, the same advice. On the outset, this seems harmless enough. Pro-Capitalists may argue that this is essential for employees to remain competitive, and hence more productive for the company. I see something else. They want their workers to work as a team to get the job done, but they do not want the workers to develop a sense of unity, a sense of comradeship. They want the workers to remain as individuals, preferably insensitive to the concerns and worries of his team mates, except when it is essential for the work.

When you look around you, you recognize that Capitalism tries to address you as an individual. The mobile phone manufacturers entice you: "Here is our new model XXXX. With all kinds of features for YOU to enjoy."Or the Pizza company which tells you : "Enjoy this pizza.. with all sorts of toppings.. just for YOU". Look anywhere. You will almost never see a company encouraging you to work for others. Because, if you do, they fear that you might be smart enough to find the real culprit behind all the world's miseries. The Capitalists themselves. Capitalism wants humanity to stay divided. Not just between average individuals, but between haves and have-nots as well. It wants you to believe that you are superior than others. It wants to maintain the status quo. If the people on earth were to unite for some reason, Capitalism is doomed to fall.

So, what is the point I am trying to make. Why do I say that Capitalism works against human nature when it deals with individualism? The reality is that humans are not individuals in the way Capitalists want them to be. They can never be. Humans are social animals. Humans need fellow humans to be a human himself. A human can develop the human-traits and qualities only by association with other humans. There has been an astonishing real life incident in India where two young girls were found to be reared by a pack of wolves since their infancy! (like Mowgli in the Rudyard Kipling's Jungle Book) This happened in Midnapore in 1920. When a missionary rescued these feral children, they discovered that the girls had hardly any human qualities. They could not talk. They could not walk like humans. They could not eat or drink like humans. They walked on all fours. They howled like wolves. They drank and ate like wolves do. They had a sense of hearing and smell far far superior to humans of similar age. They were nocturnal and nearly insensitive to cold or heat. They did not show any other human emotion other than fear. They treated their "rescuers" as captors. Both of them (named Kamala and Amala by the missionary) died within a year of their capture, presumably due to their inability to adjust to the human way of life. So, humans simply need the society to exist as humans. They need the care of mother at infancy, guidance of father during childhood and the company of friends all through his life. He needs the help of others to grow, learn and live.

This undeniable human requirement is the foundation of Communist thought.

And this is what Capitalism is trying to deny, ignore or destroy all along. You do not need to be a sociologist to discover how Capitalism is destroying human relationships all over the world in their never-ending pursuit of material profit. Relationships between parents and children, husband and wife, friendship, comradeship... all are facing the axe of Capitalist materialism. The lack of intimacy and commitment in relationships that have been plaguing the Western world since the advent of corporate Capitalism are seeping into the East as well. Human society simply cannot exist in an individualistic model, the way Capitalists want it to be. What humans need is cooperation, not mindless competition. Religions have been trying to set things right. But they simply lack the punch, the strong foundation, the clarity of vision that Communism has.

In the face of such looming threats to human society and nature, humans will be forced to take the bold step against Capitalist insanity. The only question is... when?



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